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What is classical Christian education? 


Classical Christian schools are full of people—faculty, staff, administrators, students, and parents—who don’t have a solid answer for this very basic question. Over the last thirty years, classical Christian education has grown at a rate which far outpaces real understanding of the movement, which means that many classical Christian schools are filled with people who aren’t on the same page. The bigger classical Christian education gets, the more problematic this becomes.


As a resource for educators, administrators, and admissions officers, Joshua Gibbs has written two pamphlets that help answer this question for two different audiences. Click to learn more and read excerpts from both. 


A Short Introduction to Classical Christian Education

(for Prospective Families, Current Families, Faculty, and Staff)


So Your Parents are Thinking of Sending You to a Classical Christian School 

(for Prospective Students age 13+)


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