The Divine Comedy for Beginners
Fall 2024
14-Week Session
Tuesdays, 1:00 - 2:00 PM (MT)
Online | Zoom
Sept 3 - Dec 10, 2024
$325 | Student
$265 | Auditor
Multi-class discounts available (see "Course Levels").
In the last thousand years, no author has created a more beautiful and comprehensive vision of Christian virtue than Dante. The Comedy is a sprawling, sublime work of poetry which recounts Dante’s journey from the miserable depths of Hell to the glorious heights of God’s throne room. While there are too many great books to read them all in just one lifetime, no classical education is complete without a reading of the Comedy, and this class will cover the whole of Dante’s most celebrated work.
The Comedy is an epic which can be reread endlessly and understood on many levels, but The Divine Comedy for Beginners is tailored for readers who are venturing through the poem for the first time.
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, translated by Mark Musa
Ascent to Love by Peter Leithart
Links will be provided for the editions students need to purchase.
Typically Tuesdays from 1:00 - 2:00 PM (Mountain Time). Please note that this course has a slightly irregular schedule. The exact class dates will be:
Class 1: Tuesday, Sept 3
Class 2: Tuesday, Sept 10
Class 3: Tuesday, Sept 17
Class 4: Tuesday, Sept 24
Class 5: Tuesday, Oct 1
Class 6: Tuesday, Oct 8
Class 7: Tuesday, Oct 15
No class Oct 22
Class 7: Wednesday, Oct 30
Class 9: Tuesday, Nov 5
Class 10: Tuesday, Nov 12
Class 11: Tuesday, Nov 19
Class 12: Tuesday, Nov 24
Class 13: Wednesday, Dec 4
Class 14: Tuesday, Dec 10
Gibbs Classical courses are offered at two different levels: Student and Auditor.
Student Level | Students will have entry into live Zoom classes, as well as access to recordings of class videos and the class Canvas page, where students may ask questions (of one another or Mr. Gibbs) and carry on discussions about the reading.
Students will be assigned two essays, one in the middle of the semester and the other at the end of the semester. Students are not required to complete the essays but may do so if they choose. The essays should be a minimum of 1200 words long and will receive written feedback which will be returned to students and parents. Students have the option to resubmit their work for additional feedback.
Student Level Pricing is as follows:
1 class - $325
2 classes - $600
Auditor Level | Auditors will receive recordings of the class videos delivered by email every Saturday. The Auditor Level does not come with a Canvas login. It is ideal for anyone whose schedule does not allow attendance on class dates and who does not plan on doing any written work for the class. During the 14-week session, Joshua will offer two hour-long open Zoom sessions for auditors only on a weekday evening (dates will be provided by email at the beginning of the course). During these optional session, auditors are invited to discuss the reading or ask questions.
Auditor Level Pricing is as follows:
1 class - $265
2 classes - $500
Gibbs Classical courses are open to students aged 15 and above. Adults and college students are welcome.
No make-up sessions will be given in the event of a student absence, but recordings of the class will be available for all students.
Class will begin with the assumption that students have already done the reading which is being discussed.
All emails exchanged between students and Mr. Gibbs should be copied to a parent. All emails sent from Mr. Gibbs to individual students will be copied to parents. No private conversations between underage students and Mr. Gibbs will take place.
Students are expected to use their real names and unmodified backgrounds when in class Zoom sessions.
Students will be clearly informed of due dates for the two papers. It is the responsibility of the student to turn in work. If a student does not turn in work, Mr. Gibbs will not remind or hound the student to do so, neither will parents be notified.
Students are expected to be courteous and polite to one another in class. They are also expected to represent and defend their opinions with dignity and common sense. Disagreement between students will happen, but this is simply part of discussing politics and philosophy like mature adults. If one student’s feelings are hurt by another student, it does not necessarily mean anyone has been mistreated or that an apology is warranted.
Refund policy: A full refund is offered for anyone who decides to drop the class before the start date. A 50% refund is offered for anyone who drops the class before the second class meeting.
Late start policy: If there is space available, students and auditors may join the class after the start date but will not receive a discounted rate.